The Automation Queen

Hello, I'm

Nathalee Jones,

and I have a deep passion for automation, artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning, and all things innovation! Allow me to introduce myself and share my journey with you.

I am an expert in Identity and Access Management (IAM) and have been working in this field for over 25 years. Currently, I proudly serve as the Manager of Information Security at Texas Children’s Hospital. Throughout my career, I’ve had the privilege of working with numerous organizations, helping them enhance their security, transparency, productivity, and compliance.
One of my significant achievements is automating over 45% of manual tasks within my team, saving thousands of hours by leveraging various automation tools and workflows.

This blog is born out of my desire to share my experiences, insights, and expertise in the fields of automation, artificial intelligence, and innovation, with the goal of helping companies in enhancing both productivity and creativity through the strategic utilization of these technologies. Through this blog, I’ll explore various aspects of automation, including:
  • Personal Automation: Discover how automation can simplify and enrich your daily life, making time for what truly matters.
  • Automation in the Workplace: Explore the significant impact automation can have on the modern workplace, from streamlining tasks to enhancing employee satisfaction.
  • All About AI & Innovation: Delve into the exciting world of artificial intelligence and innovation, and learn how these technologies are reshaping industries.
I believe that automation and AI are not just buzzwords but practical solutions that can make a significant impact. I’ll also talk about the tangible benefits of these technologies, including their effect on:
  • Workforce: Empowering your workforce to excel by automating repetitive tasks.
  • Financials: Achieving cost savings and improved resource allocation.
  • Productivity: Unlocking new levels of efficiency and effectiveness.
While blogging is my primary medium, I’m also enthusiastic about sharing my insights through speaking engagements. You can catch me discussing topics like automation, AI, and their real-world impact at various events and conferences.

My vision is clear—to inspire organizations to embrace automation and shed any unwarranted fear surrounding it. While security remains crucial, the potential risks of not automating far outweigh the benefits. I hope you find this blog a valuable resource that empowers you with knowledge, best practices, and inspiration to navigate the exciting landscape of automation and AI with ease, ultimately driving success, efficiency, and prosperity in your personal and professional life.

Let’s explore the world of automation and AI together. Reach out to me through the provided contact information to connect!

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